Flat Earth Follies: vacuum of space would suck the atmosphere off the Earth
Flat Earth Claim The vacuum of space would suck the atmosphere off the Earth! Figure 1 - Flat Earth Meme Facts The vacuum of space (or any other vacuum) does not 'suck' things into it. It has no energy or force with which to do so. What we need to be concerned about are the forces contained in the mass that is adjacent to the vacuum to see if they are sufficient to hold the matter together against their own thermodynamic energy. First let's work through a simpler example of a marble adrift in space. There are intermolecular forces within the glass of the marble that are holding the atoms bound together, these forces are sufficient to prevent the silicon dioxide (SiO₂) molecules in the glass from flying off the marble and into space due to their thermodynamic forces under normal circumstances (hopefully we can agree on that). However, if we heat that marble up eventually some of those silicon dioxide molecules will have enough energy to break those bonds and separate int...