Flat Earth Follies: The Sun Gets Smaller As It Sets
Flat Earth Claim The Sun Gets Smaller As It Sets The Facts No, all you have done is allowed your camera sensor to be overwhelmed and as the Sun (or Moon) gets closer to the horizon it is going through much more atmosphere which filters out more and more of the light, so the exposure becomes closer to correct and the bright object appears closer to actual size. I took the following two pictures with my iPhone at the same time, when the moon was well in the sky. Moon closer to proper exposure: Moon overexposed, taken about the same time - just wrong exposure. The moon didn't get bigger in the few seconds between the images. Here is a random pic I took of the moon on my iPhone on a completely different day, properly exposed & through binoculars. Hi Moon. And here is a streetlamp magically getting closer and closer and closer - according to Flat Earthers. Another image series that I personally took: Here is a debunking I did... Far away? The sun is about 32 arc minutes wide, that...